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Sing Unto The Lord – English
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Samuel Logan Brengle (1860-1936) was an American Methodist born in Indiana who joined the Salvation Army in the 1890s. He was mightily used of the Lord–even more so through his many books. He was described by one observer as a kindly, literate and articulate man who left good memories with nearly everyone he met.
Like Colonel Brengle’s other books, this new volume from his facile pen is intensely practical. It is a natural sequel to his previous books on holiness. It will be especially welcome to those, who have been taught to regard soul winning as the main business of their lives.
Many who have hitherto neglected this branch of duty, and have suffered in their own souls as a consequence will surely be inspired by these pages to rise up and make a new start. Certainly, none can read the book without getting a fresh impetus to do and dare for God and souls, and none who carry out these instructions can fail to become in the highest, noblest and most lasting sense, successful soul winners. -F. Booth Tucker
When the astronauts are shot into space, every part of the spacecraft with its intricate and complex mechanisms and electrical and electronic systems are thoroughly examined and only when every system is functioning perfectly, is the ‘go-ahead’ given. In other words, the lift-off and journey into space is not okayed until every minute part is certified to be functioning perfectly.
How amazing it is then that people hate to hear the word ‘perfect’ in their Christian walk! There are many who hate the mention of this word. But from what Jesus taught on the Sermon on the Mount, it is clear that He, the Saviour of the world, wants us to walk perfectly and He moreover commands us, “Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.” (Matt. 5:48)
The author says, “From the time I was converted as a boy of fifteen, I was taught by my mother’s precept and example that I should walk without conscious disobedience or sin. It was quite normal therefore for me to just practise and teach what the Lord Jesus Himself taught. I have faltered and come short many times and have needed to humble myself.” But the command and goal remain the same, “Be ye therefore perfect.”
Living as we do in a scandalous age of compromise and cowardice, it is important that we fix our eyes upon Jesus and “walk as He walked.”‘
The ‘small steps’ which you learn in this book will take you a long way in your walk with God.
Although many say “winning isn’t everything,” in the Christian life, such an attitude should be anathema, because winning Christ is everything; and winning the world to Christ is everything! In fact, giving your soul and all you literally have for the salvation of the world is nothing, if you have the right motivation and equipment to run and win the race. With many Christians today struggling just to stay in the race, a shot in the arm like this will help greatly. In this ‘Textbook for Soulwinners,’ Joshua focuses on the factors hindering many from being overcomers in the Christian life, and consequently, failing to win souls to God. Mr. Daniel focuses on the causes and effects of spiritual sterility in the church and the pew, how to overcome subservience to the flesh, and challenges us to renew our first love for Christ. If you want to be a ‘winner’ as a Christian, overcome in all things, and run purposely and triumphantly for the Lord Jesus, this text will help spur you into the ‘passing lane’ on your way to breaking the winner’s tape.
In this, the first volume of his autobiography, Joshua relates his life as a ‘rogue,’ and a rebel towards his Christian family and against a loving but unknown heavenly Father. After his conversion, we read of Joshua’s teenage years and early training in revival ministry, and his experiences as God worked in mighty outpourings of His Spirit in true ‘floods upon the dry ground.’ Many have received a lasting blessing through Joshua’s life of faith, and through the lessons he learned about effectual prayer, holiness, discipline, and service to God. We trust this book will also give you a sure, lasting blessing.
Samuel Logan Brengle (1860-1936) was an American Methodist born in Indiana who joined the Salvation Army in the 1890s. He was mightily used of the Lord–even more so through his many books. He was described by one observer as a kindly, literate and articulate man who left good memories with nearly
everyone he met.
Colonel Brengle’s books need no recommendation. Dealing as they do with what is and ever must be to the sincere follower of Christ, the most vitally important among spiritual subjects, namely, holiness of heart and life, they constitute a valuable guide to the promises.
Writing from the battlefield of actual warfare, dealing individually with hundreds of souls, mingling daily with the working classes, the writer thoroughly grasps the needs of his readers. His language is that of the people.
We heartily commend this volume to all who desire to tread the blessed pathway of peace, of purity and of power for service. -F. Booth Tucker